Hiking pleasure from leisurely

to challenging

Limitless hiking in Nauders on the Reschen Pass

Hiking dreams truly come true in the Austria-Italy-Switzerland border triangle, with over 300 kilometres of the most beautiful hiking trails. Families can enjoy hikes together on moderate and child-friendly routes. Professionals will find their own personal challenge on extreme high alpine tours.

Familienwanderung in den Bergen von Nauders am Reschenpass Entspannte Kühe auf einer Weide am See in Naudres am Reschenpass
Entspannte Kühe auf einer Weide am See in Naudres am Reschenpass Junge beim klettern an einer steilen Felswand in Nauders am Reschenpass

Relaxed or high Up on the peaks

You decide for yourself how high up you want to go on beginner's routes and challenging trails. More comfortable, but no less spectacular, you can get from the valley to the peaks around the Bergkastel near Nauders with the numerous mountain railways. With the 3-Länder Card, you can ride for free for the most part. The hotel manager and our reception team will be happy to provide you with tips and suggestions for the most beautiful route.

Der Stableshof in Nauders am Reschnepass Die Piengalm in Nauders am Reschenpass
Die Piengalm in Nauders am Reschenpass Das Sommerevent Rock die Wadln in Nauders am Reschenpass

Romantic Alps & traditional hut cuisine

The summit you have climbed behind you. The fresh mountain air in your nose. This is how Tyrol and its home cooking tastes best. Discover and enjoy delicious regional dishes when visiting the romantic huts and alps around Nauders. Tyrol's alpine farming and its cuisine are the cultural heart of the region.


Hiking days

7 accommodation from
31.05.2025 - 11.10.2025
from € 953,00
per room

Let yourself be fascinated by the gorgeous mountain world of the hiking paradise at the Reschenpass. We guarantee all our mountain friends exciting holidays in Nauders.

Experience an unforgettable hiking holiday
in our Hotel Post in Nauders on the Reschen Pass